lazzarato, maurizio. maurizio lazzarato: signs, machines, subjectivities/ signos, maquinas, subjetividades. são paulo, edicoes sesc, n-1 publications 2014.

202 + 214 seiten. englisch, portugiesisch. 8to. (oktavformat). billingual edition. oklappkarton/ softcover. 'it is undeniable: capitalism both requires and produces subjectivity in its image and likeness, but how does this manifest in our current times? inspired by the original thought of félix guattari, maurizio lazzarato dissects the modalities of “subjection” that neocapitalism produces, as well as the “machinic enslavement” that is inherent to it. the central role of the relationship between humankind and machines is not the only one to emerge, but the “machinisms” that govern our lives also surface, from credit cards and stock markets to information flows and endless reviews. it is an entire structure of intermediation to be analyzed, where capital plays a role as semiotic operator, whose logic becomes increasingly effective the more it distances itself from our conscience and representation. it is unnecessary to say how relevant this is, even if we don’t always agree, for those trying to understand what’s going on all around us, why political representation is running out of breath with every passing day, what it touches and how the powers-that-be work today (“action over action”, according to foucault’s last writings), and what modes of effective resistance we can conceive today. signs, machines, subjectivities represent, in this context, a live breath of fresh air in our contemporary political imagination. ' (klappentext). minimal berieben, ansonsten sehr gutes exemplar.

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